Westside Regional Alliance of Councils
WRAC is a cooperative regional coalition of councils, made up of 14 neighborhood and community councils on the Westside of Los Angeles. WRAC meets regularly each month to discuss matters of regional interest. We address major issues that impact the Westside, and ask member councils to consider positions that are recommended by the board. When a consensus emerges (as reflected by an affirming vote of a majority of its member councils), WRAC adopts the position and expresses it to local lawmakers, elected officials, and decision-makers. From time to time, we host town hall meetings or community forums to address important issues that affect residents across the Westside, with the broad-based involvement and input of community stakeholders.
Our leadership board is made up of neighborhood and community council chairs/presidents or appointed representatives, who come together on a volunteer basis to consider these important issues. Representatives are appointed by the respective member councils – each council appoints a primary and an alternate representative to the WRAC board.
To see a message from the WRAC Chair, click on Chair’s Message. For information about WRAC’s officers, member councils and representatives, click on Councils. Visit the Meetings page for recaps of each of our Board meetings.