WRAC Meeting: Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019 | 8:30 – 10:00
West LA Municipal Building - 1645 Corinth Ave., LA 90024
- Agenda: Download
- Approved minutes: Download
- Additional attachment: City Sidewalk - SRP-AR SLIDE DECK - AS OF 20190801
We will meet in the corner conference room on the 2nd floor. FYI, the offices of LA Mayor, Eric Garcetti, County Supervisor for District 3, Sheila Kuehl, City Council member for District 11, Mike Bonin and Congressman Ted Lieu (CA 33) filed offices are all housed in the same building, so we will be in good company if we can continue to meet at this location. There is no breakfast of course, but if we can begin to put a plan in place to try and provide coffee and pastries for meetings, perhaps.
Hannah, from Mike Bonin’s office will open the building door for our board members to have access beginning at 8am. Park at the West LA Municipal Building lot or on the street (metered).
I (Chair) will not be able to attend the meeting. Vice Chair, Larry Watts will preside over the meeting.