Support CF 20-1536 (STAP Program/Digital Signs in Bus Shelters)

Support CF 20-1536 (STAP Program/Digital Signs in Bus Shelters)

Proposed by Chris Spitz/WRAC LUPC on December 21, 2020
Formally adopted by WRAC in January 2021 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 20-1536

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils supports the Bonin/Blumenfield motion in CF 20-1536, and further requests that:

  • prior to contract finalization, the City conduct an extensive and open public process, in which detailed information about STAP, the RFP and the contract negotiation process is made widely available and members of the public, community leaders and neighborhood/community councils are invited to provide ongoing input on community impacts, problems and ridership needs with respect to STAP;
  • in connection with any contract that is eventually negotiated, the City 1) respect and abide by Community Plan, Specific Plan, Scenic Highway and Coastal Zone protections and requirements, including in the public right of way, and 2) address constituents’ concerns about preservation of community character, protection of residential neighborhoods, public safety, environmental impacts and privacy infringement;
  • all protections for scenic corridors, for local street furniture preferences and for neighborhoods with Specific Plans and codified prohibitions against off-site advertising that were negotiated and included in the JCDecaux contract be carried forward in any new contract that is negotiated; and
  • the City restrict any new digital signs in or near bus shelters to sign districts in the 22 areas already zoned as Regional Commercial for high-intensity commercial use.


See:  Background Information/Support

See also:  WRAC 11/23/20 Letter re STAP RFP; WRAC Standing Rule 4; WRAC 12/3/20 Letter re Sign Ordinance/Version B+; WRAC Adopted Positions (scroll down to Support for Sign Ordinance Version B+).

Contact Chris Spitz with any questions.


Modified versions:

PPCC:  12/1/20 Letter to Bonin.

BABCNC:  CIS 12/16/20 

Status in City Council:  Motion in CF 20-1536 passed in City Council February 24, 2021 (as amended to remove “exclusivity” provision).  See WRAC Council File Submission.

Motion passed by MVCC on 2/9/21, after the WRAC position letter was submitted.

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