Support for Council File 21-1115 (Buscaino)

Support for Council File 21-1115 (Buscaino)

Proposed by Matt Wersinger/DRNC on November 15, 2021
Formally adopted by WRAC in January 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 21-1115

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils supports Council File 21-1115 (Buscaino)


This motion calls for the drafting of an ordinance to ban bicycle “chop shops” from public property and the public-right-of-way in Los Angeles.  For background see:  Buscaino Motion

Contact Matt Wersinger with any questions.


CF 21-1115 initially passed in City Council (2/8/22).  See WRAC Comment submitted to Council File.   Final Council vote on ordinance:  6/21/22 (passed).  Ordinance effective as of 8/8/22.

WLASNC:  motion passed on 2/23/22 (per member Jay Ross), after WRAC position letter written and after initial passage of the Council File in City Council.

WRAC Council File Submission

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