Request Cap on Waivers for ED1 and Affordable Housing Streamlining Projects

Request Cap on Waivers for ED1 and Affordable Housing Streamlining Projects

Proposed by Drew Reusch / WRAC LUPC on February 26, 2024
Passage deadline: August 2024

Passed by

  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Palms Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 23-0623

In regard to CF 23-0623, the ____ NC/CC, a member of the Westside Neighborhood Alliance of Councils (WRAC), requests that the city cap development waivers at five (5), with no more than one (1) of which may be related to the environment, for Executive Directive 1 (ED1) and Affordable Housing Streamlining Ordinance projects, and further requests that Councilmembers representing WRAC member councils (CMs Park, Yaroslavsky, Raman and Hutt) bring a motion in Council or otherwise direct the Dept. of City Planning (DCP) to institute a DCP policy to effectuate this purpose.


Background Information

See CF 23-0623, linked above, for further information about Executive Directive 1 and processes related to the Affordable Housing Streamlining draft ordinance (preparation of ordinance approved by City Council in June 2023).

See more information about the status of the the proposed draft ordinance at Planning / Streamlining Ordinance.

Contact Drew Reusch for more information.


Modified version:

WNC:  Per President T. Tippit, motion passed in March 2024 opposing the CF and asking for cap (6) on waivers and other restrictions.

Palms NC:  Per President Kay Hartman:  CIS (3/3/24)

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