WRAC Meeting: Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 | 9:30
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83806590128
- Agenda: Download
- Approved minutes: Download
- Additional attachment: Proposed WRAC bylaws amendments july 2020
- Additional attachment: WRAC Foundational Platform
Attached please see the agenda for this month’s meeting as well as draft minutes from July 2020. The July meeting is this week on Wednesday at 9:30 am. We are meeting half an hour earlier than usual, because Stephanie Cohen will be joining us (from Sup. Kuehl’s office) for an update on the WEST LA COURTHOUSE project.
Attached please also see:
a) proposed draft Bylaw amendments
b) proposed revised WRAC Platform language
c) Notes submitted from July WRAC LUC Meeting (no motions but unanimous recommendations from a meeting without quorum)
Guests this month will be Stephanie Cohen from LA County (9:30-10am) and Assembly-member Richard Bloom (10am for remarks followed by questions).