Affordable Housing Legislation/Support for SB 15 (Portantino) and SCA 2 (Allen & Wiener)
Passed by
- Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
- Mar Vista Community Council
- Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
- Pacific Palisades Community Council
- Palms Neighborhood Council
- South Robertson Neighborhoods Council (modified version)
- West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
- Westside Neighborhood Council
- Westwood Neighborhood Council
The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) recognizes the need for positive solutions to the state’s affordable housing crisis, specifically as it relates to workforce and low-to-moderate income housing. Solutions should involve legislation that 1) focuses on increasing the production and supply of truly affordable housing; 2) does not compromise public safety or the environment; and 3) respects principles of democracy, local land use control and self-determination of local governments to expand housing opportunities unique to their jurisdictions.
WRAC supports Senate Bill 15 (Portantino) and Senate Constitutional Amendment 2 (Allen and Wiener) as examples of positive legislation that forward the goal of achieving more affordable housing consistent with these principles.
Background Information (including links to the bills’ text).
Contact Chris Spitz with any questions.
BCC: BCC Motion (4/14/21).
SORONC: CIS (for CF 21-0002-S165; 1/5/22).
Status in Legislature: SB 15 passed in Senate; held at desk in Assembly 6/2/21. SCA 2 passed in Senate; held at desk in Assembly 1/26/22.
Status in City Council: CF 21-0002-S142 (resolution supporting SB 15); passed in Council and became final 9/13/21 (WRAC Comment). CF 21-0002-S165 (resolution supporting SCA 2); introduced in Council & referred to Rules Cmtee 9/1/21 (pending as of 2/8/22).