Allocation of Revenues from Bus Lane Violation Enforcement Pilot Program
Proposed by MTC and Steve Sann on February 17, 2025
Passage deadline: May 2025
Not yet passed by a member Council
Refers to City Council file 24-1151
The _____ NC/CC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC), opposes the allocation of revenues from the Bus Lane Violation Enforcement Pilot Program to items that are not specifically related to public transit. We therefore oppose using these funds for “Transportation improvements and temporary staffing related to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic games.” A $200 million federal grant is already in the works to help with the proposed use of public buses at the 2028 Games. Council Files: 24-1151 and 21-1224
Contact Selena Inouye, MTC Chair, for more information or questions.