Oppose BONC Social Media Policy
Proposed by Matt Wersinger/DRNC on December 21, 2020
Formally adopted by WRAC
in January 2021
Passed by
- Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
- Brentwood Community Council
- Del Rey Neighborhood Council
- Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (modified version)
- North Westwood Neighborhood Council
- Pacific Palisades Community Council
- Palms Neighborhood Council (modified version)
- West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
- Westside Neighborhood Council
- Westwood Neighborhood Council
Whereas the proposed BONC Social Media Policy is a direct overreach in power and scope of limiting the ability of Neighborhood Councils to effectively communicate with their constituency; it requires onerous and unenforceable clauses; is overly complicated when existing rules cover many of the issues outlined and a simpler approach would be more appropriate; Therefore the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils opposes the proposed BONC Social Media Policy.
BABCNC modified version: Letter to BONC 10/30/20
NCWP modified version: DRAFT Letter to BONC (approved 12/8/20)
PNC modified version: Letter to BONC 12/15/20