Request for planning data prior to start of Community Plan update

Request for planning data prior to start of Community Plan update

Proposed by WRAC LUPC on August 15, 2018
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the November 2018 deadline

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Westwood Community Council


The _____ Council requests the Planning Department provide all information (below), prior to commencing any work on the Community Plan Update process.

These data are prerequisite for meaningful asset-based grassroots planning input to any Community Plan, whether it is for the Westside’s first cycle (Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Westchester-Playa del Rey, West Los Angeles Venice) or the second cycle (Westwood, Bel Air-Beverly Crest, Brentwood-Pacific Palisades):

  1. What is the current aggregate population in the Community Plan area?
  2. What is the projected population in the build-out year?
    a. How is it calculated? Who calculates it? Is the U.S. Census used?
  3. What is the population capacity in the current zoning, including R zones and C zones with density bonuses (Transit Oriented Communities, Expo Station Transit Neighborhood Plan) and Accessory Dwelling Units?
  4. What is the population capacity in the proposed zoning, including R zones and C zones with density bonuses (TOC, Expo Station TNP) and ADUs?
  5. Capacity of jobs or count of jobs currently.
  6. Change in jobs as a result of proposed zoning, either by increase in C or M zones or reduction in jobs if C or M zones are decreased.
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