Support CF 24-1128 (report on incomplete/abandoned construction)

Support CF 24-1128 (report on incomplete/abandoned construction)

Proposed by Chris Spitz/PPCC; Robin Greenberg/BABCNC; Terri Tippit/WNC
Passage deadline: January 2025

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)


Refers to City Council file 24-1128

“ _____ NC/CC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, believes that there is a clear need for oversight and accountability for negligent property owners and developers who allow construction sites to remain incomplete and/or abandoned for extended time periods.

______ NC/CC therefore supports CF 24-1128 (Hernandez), which calls for a report back by LADBS on consequences and solutions to the problem of abandoned / incomplete construction sites, which pose a risk of fire and other hazards and are a threat to public safety and welfare.”


Background Information

Contact Chris Spitz with any questions.


Modified versions:

BABCNC Agenda item 16, passed 9/25/24, per R. Greenberg

WNC CIS 10/11/24

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