Support for CF 22-0002-S58 re AB 2336 (Automated Speed Enforcement Program)

Support for CF 22-0002-S58 re AB 2336 (Automated Speed Enforcement Program)

Proposed by WRAC MTC/WRAC Chair Matt Wersinger on July 18, 2022
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the October 2022 deadline

Passed by

  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)


Refers to City Council file 22-0002-S58

_______ NC/CC supports CF 22-0002-S58, which in turn supports AB 2336 which allows the City of Los Angeles to create a pilot automated speed enforcement program which includes fine alternatives for low income drivers and privacy data protections.


Resolution in CF 22-0002-S58

AB 2336 (text and status in legislature) — Bill held in submission in Assembly Appropriations Cmtee; bills must have been reported out of fiscal committees by August 12 and passed in both houses by August 31, per 2022 Legislative Deadline (AB 2336 was not moved forward in the Assembly and has therefore died — C. Spitz, WRAC Vice-Chair).

Related CF (passed in March 2022) — LADOT-support for automated speed enforcement/proposed for City’s 2021-22 Legislative Agenda (City support indicated in Assembly cmtee analyses for AB 2336) (C. Spitz).

Based on the foregoing, this motion is essentially moot.

Contact WRAC Chair Matt Wersinger or MTC Chair Selena Inouye with any questions.


Modified version:

WNC:  CIS 4/14/22

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