Support for a Memorandum of Understanding with LA Dept. of Public Works
Passed by
- Brentwood Community Council
- Del Rey Neighborhood Council
- South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
- Venice Neighborhood Council
- Westside Neighborhood Council
- Westwood Community Council
The _______________ NC/CC supports the creation of a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Neighborhood/Community Councils and the Los Angeles Department of Public Works.
The NC system benefits greatly from the memorandums of understanding (MOU) we have with various City departments. They establish a direct line of communication with the department, structured meetings, and a consistent role in providing feedback on policy formation. They require commitment on both sides.
While the details would have to be negotiated, the motion seeks a generally similar relationship with the Dept. of Public Works as NCs have with the LA Dept. of Water and Power (LADWP) and others.
Language adopted by Venice NC:
Whereas, each Neighborhood Council and Community Council in the City of Los Angeles (“Council”) is defined within a geographic region of Los Angeles City; Whereas, the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (“Public Works”) provides services within each Council area; Whereas, the Councils currently have no advance notice of many of Public Works proposed activities or proposed financial expenditures prior to such actions being taken; Be it resolved, that the Councils request that Public Works specifically enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with all Councils to notify them of all proposed activities or financial expenditures prior to taking any such actions, and allow reasonable time for Councils to comment on said proposals.