Adopted Positions

The following are adopted positions of WRAC (based on motions passed by the requisite majority of Member councils).

For additional WRAC communications with officials/agencies (not included below), see Other Communications.  

Oppose City’s Participation in Metro TCN Program

Formally adopted by WRAC in September 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Mar Vista Community Council (modified version)
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council (modified version)


Refers to City Council file 22-0392

Referencing Council File 22-0392:

____ NC/CC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC), has significant concerns about process and substance related to the Metro Transportation Communication Network (TCN) program, including the fact that:

  • the program moved forward without notice to or substantive community input from stakeholders prior to implementation of an EIR process; this is in contravention of expected norms as well as WRAC’s Statement of Principles (Standing Rule 4 of the WRAC Bylaws), which calls for advance notice and ample time to review and comment by WRAC’s member councils on all proposed public infrastructure or other public property developments;
  • the City ceded its power as lead agency for EIR purposes to the Metro board, which approved the EIR for Metro TCN on consent overriding considerations with impacts on City resources;
  • Metro TCN is a digital billboard advertising program with moving images that will: (1) distract drivers and create dangerous situations which will undermine the City’s Vision Zero goals, and (2) blight the visual environment of 22 Community Plan areas in Los Angeles;
  • Metro TCN in substance contravenes longstanding WRAC positions opposed to digital billboards (outside of sign districts in areas already zoned as regional/commercial) and to digital advertising in the public right of way (proposed “IKE” kiosks);

Therefore, ____ NC/CC opposes the City’s participation in the Metro TCN program and specifically opposes adoption of the proposed City ordinances that would fast track implementation of the Metro TCN program within the City of Los Angeles.

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Minimize Light Pollution

Formally adopted by WRAC in September 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Palms Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


The _____ NC/CC requests that the City Council open a Council File such that:

1.  The City implements the Five Principles of Responsible OutdoorLighting that minimize light pollution by following these guidelines (adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society and the International Dark-Sky Association):

• All lights should have a clear purpose.

• Light should be directed only where needed.

• Light should be no brighter than necessary.

• Light should be used only when it is useful

• Use warmer color lights where possible.

2.   The City enacts/codifies these principles through its departments and agencies for City facilities and properties such as buildings, parking lots and parks, the streetlight system, the airport and port, and for private development.

3.  Community Plans and Specific Plans also enact similar dark sky practices and include limitations on bright lights, light trespass, and illumination of building facades.

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Support for Director’s Determination re Murphy Drill Site

Formally adopted by WRAC in August 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • Palms Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Whereas, the City of Los Angeles has a history of discriminatory and disparate treatment in its oil drilling environmental compliance requirements whereby some communities are afforded greater protections from pollution and noise from oil drilling operations while other communities are not;

Whereas, the Murphy Drill site location in West Adams is an example of a community that has been exposed to toxic fumes and noise pollution that could be partially abated through facility enclosure and electrification of workover rigs and power supply, as has been done in wealthier communities, but have not been;

Whereas, on February 28, 2023, the City’s Planning Department issued a Letter of Determination on Case No. ZA-1959-15227-O-PA6 requiring additional and modified conditions for the continued operation of the Murphy Oil Drill Site “to increase the protection of and to preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the residents and stakeholders of the neighborhood”;

Whereas, on March 13, 2023, E & B Natural Resources the operator of the Murphy Drill site filed an appeal to the City’s Letter of Determination;

Therefore, the [WRAC member] calls on the City of Los Angeles to uphold its February 28 Letter of Determination.

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Community Plan Updates Requests

Formally adopted by WRAC in June 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


The ____ NC/CC insists, on behalf of the stakeholders it represents, that prior to the completion of Community Plan updates, the City inform communities of the methodology by which it determines the allocation of RHNA numbers and the calculations that derive density housing goals in order to meet the aims of the Housing Element.

These include, for each Community Plan and Community or Neighborhood Council area:
A) Current zoning capacity (including existing density bonuses & commercial zones that allow residential uses) and reasonably expected population change.
B) The methodology which will be used to allocate RHNA growth numbers.
C) RHNA allocation of units in each community.

We also urge the Planning Department to thoughtfully consider the input (submitted by previous written comment or imparted in real time) of Neighborhood and Community Councils as well as stakeholders that come together for the purpose of contributing to the Community Plan update process with informed and productive input, insight and/or suggestions. This essential input must be implemented by Planning staff, and the contributions reflected by being substantively included in the outcome/drafting of revised Community Plans. We urge that a report back mechanism be implemented by Planning staff, in order to inform communities of where and how their input has been received and incorporated into the final drafting process.

We would like to understand the role of the Westside Community Plan Advisory Group (WCPAG) and be assured that the WCPAG’s voice will not outweigh that of local stakeholders.

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Request for Audit of STAP Program

Formally adopted by WRAC in May 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 20-1536-S4

The ______ CC/NC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, is concerned about the current status and management of the STAP program under the new contractor Tranzito-Vector and requests an audit of the program by the City Controller and Chief Administration Officer’s (CAO) office of the revenues and expenditures for this new STAP program.

(relevant Council File:  Council File No. 20-1536-S4)

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Venice Blvd. Improvements Project Concerns/Withhold Support

Formally adopted by WRAC in February 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 22-0694

The ______ CC/NC, a member of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, is concerned that removing one vehicle lane in each direction on Venice Blvd. between Inglewood Blvd and National Blvd. will divert traffic onto other adjacent local, collector and arterial streets. Until such time as LADOT conducts modeling studies to predict the volume of vehicular traffic that will be diverted off Venice Blvd. when the road diet component of this project is installed, our Council will be withholding its support for Phase One of the Venice Blvd Mobility Improvements project.

The member Councils directly affected by this project are: Venice, Mar Vista, Palms and South Robertson. The member Councils which may be affected by redirected traffic include: Del Rey, WLA/Sawtelle and Westside.

(relevant Council File: Council File: 22-0694)

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Support for Position re Ordinance 187427 (Speed Limit Reductions)

Formally adopted by WRAC in January 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 21-1223

______ NC/CC supports the following position in regards to the recent adoption of Ordinance 187427 regarding speed limit reductions:
i                _____ NC/CC supports the action taken by the LA City Council on March 7, 2022 in passing Council File 21-1223 regarding Speed Limit Reductions.
ii               _____ NC/CC supports the efforts to reduce the speed limit by 5 MPH on streets that were recently identified for 5 MPH speed limit increases. (See the attached Ordinance number 187427 with the complete list of streets affected.)
iii             Moving forward, it is the suggestion of _____ NC/CC that City Council open a Council File to consider that future speed limit reductions be discussed and planned as neighborhood or regional traffic improvements rather than individual street improvements. These improvements should be coupled with measures to minimize vehicle traffic being redirected onto adjacent neighborhood streets. For example, we would like to see LADOT incorporate traffic calming measures and active transportation elements. Traffic calming measures might include compact traffic circles/mini roundabouts, restricted turns, curb extensions/bulb-outs, speed humps and tables, and diagonal diverters, half closures, full closures, and median barriers to reduce cut-through traffic.
iv             In addition,  _____ NC/CC requests that the Council Offices engage the local Westside Councils in ongoing discussions about what additional streets should be considered for speed limit reductions as well as establish a method whereby Council and stakeholder feedback on this issue can be submitted directly to LADOT.

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Oppose IKE (interactive kiosk) program (CF 22-1154)

Formally adopted by WRAC in January 2023 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 22-1154

____ NC/CC opposes the IKE program as present in Council File 22-1154 for the following reasons:

  • There is no local competitive bidding process.
  • This project needs a financial analysis, as it is using public space to generate revenue.
  • This project has negative environmental impacts and there is no environmental review (CEQA).
  • This project creates visual pollution and takes away space on the sidewalk that could be used for trees.
  • This project is a source of driver distraction, which is contrary to the City’s Vision Zero policy.

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Call for Resignation of CMs de Leon & Cedillo

Formally adopted by WRAC in November 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • North Westwood Neighborhood Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 22-1189

Further letter 12/2/22

Authorization for Westside Regional Alliance of Councils (WRAC) position letter, calling for the resignation of Los Angeles City Councilmembers Kevin de Leon and Gil Cedillo (Council File 22-1189).

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Support for Letter re Mistreatment of Animals at City Animal Shelters

Formally adopted by WRAC in December 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Palms Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Further Letter 4/5/24

________ NC/CC strongly supports the sentiments, goals and requests made in the letter from Bel-Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council of August 10, 2022 to Mayor Garcetti and Councilmember Koretz concerning the mistreatment of animals at City Shelters.

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