Adopted Positions

The following are adopted positions of WRAC (based on motions passed by the requisite majority of Member councils).

For additional WRAC communications with officials/agencies (not included below), see Other Communications.  

Support for CF 20-1376-S3 (Code Amendments to Ban Camping Near Libraries)

Formally adopted by WRAC in August 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council (modified version)
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 20-1376-S3

______ NC/CC strongly supports the motion in Council File 20-1376-S3 (Buscaino) for an ordinance amending LAMC Sections 41.18 and 56.01 to prohibit sitting, lying, sleeping, and storing personal property in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public-right-of-way within 500 ft. of a library.

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Request for Dwelling Unit Capacity Calculations

Formally adopted by WRAC in July 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council (modified version)


WRAC requests from Department of City Planning the Dwelling Unit Capacity calculations for all WRAC community plans in process (Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Venice, Westchester/Playa, West Los Angeles).

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Requests for Consideration re CF 22-0158

Formally adopted by WRAC in June 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 22-0158

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils requests the City Council and City Attorney, when drafting and considering the council file item CF 22-0158, take into account the below requests by the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils:

– Consideration of automatically including LAMC 41.18 protections on any location providing a homeless shelter and authorized pursuant to a declared shelter emergency.

– Consideration of mandatory CEQA compliance.

– Consideration of consequences of “Cutting red tape” by removing the public’s right to a transparent approval process including right to notification and the opportunity for public comment, including early notification to NCs and recognized CCs.

– Consider the differences and effects of allowing shelters in R1 zones as proposed versus the existing ordinances allowing them in R2 & R3 zones.

– Consideration of the effects of limiting shelters within a reasonable radius of sensitive sites such as parks, schools and daycares.

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Request Use of “Cool Asphalt” for Paving

Formally adopted by WRAC in May 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • North Westwood Neighborhood Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council (modified version)


WRAC requests that the City Bureau of Engineering uses “cool asphalt” for paving with the following recommendations:

i.     Request that StreetsLA prioritizes its program for cooling, including that the Bureau of Engineering coat roads and sidewalks with “cool asphalt.”

ii.    Request that Council Districts allocate discretionary funding to StreetsLA to expand coating with cool asphalt in their areas.

iii.    Request that the City prioritize and implement the program by allocating sufficient funding.

iv.    Request that the City publicize the streets that are scheduled to be coated.

v.     Request that the City prioritize implementation based on areas with high heat temperatures, low tree canopy cover, high use transit stops and high pedestrian traffic areas.

vi.     Request that the City study the feasibility and cost of producing, installing and maintaining its own product (the cool street coating).

vii.    Request that the City plant street trees where coating is applied, to increase the effectiveness of the coating and provide a holistic approach.

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Support for CF 14-1057-S9 (Buscaino/Koretz) — Vehicle Dwelling

Formally adopted by WRAC in April 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 14-1057-S9

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils supports CF 14-1057-S9 (Buscaino/Koretz) – Regulation of Vehicle Dwelling

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Oppose Misuse of Specific Plan Process

Formally adopted by WRAC in March 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


The __________ Neighborhood/Community Council opposes the City’s use of Specific Plans that would result in upzoning open space and/or low-density residential neighborhoods. The use of specific plans in this manner creates significant negative impacts for all residential communities, the environment and natural resources. We urge our City Councilmembers to reject land use applications for individual development projects that represent a misuse of the Specific plan process. We ask that the City Council inform Planning not to process these types of requests.

Supplemental letter, 7/11/23 — Misuse of Specific Plan Process

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Support for Council File 21-0002-S186 (Koretz)

Formally adopted by WRAC in March 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Palms Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 21-0002-S186

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils supports Council File 21-0002-S186 which seeks to support any Sacramento legislative or administrative action that will allow the City to include SB 9 sites in an addendum to the Housing Element thus allowing for the inclusion of these SB 9 sites in the Adequate Sites for Housing inventory.

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Support for Council File 21-1115 (Buscaino)

Formally adopted by WRAC in January 2022 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 21-1115

The Westside Regional Alliance of Councils supports Council File 21-1115 (Buscaino)

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Request for Councilmembers to Cooperate with Member Councils re Designation of Sites Under LAMC Sec. 41.18

Formally adopted by WRAC in December 2021 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


{____ NC/CC] urges Councilmembers Bonin, Koretz, Raman and Ridley-Thomas (Councilmembers representing WRAC Member-Councils) to consult as soon as possible with their respective WRAC Member-Councils for input as to the designation of sites within their districts for enforcement pursuant to LAMC Sec. 41.18(c)(1)-(4) and 41.18(d), including: 1) schools, day care centers, public parks and public libraries, as defined in LAMC Sec. 105.01 (“sensitive uses”) (41.18(c)(1)); 2) overpasses, underpasses, freeway ramps, tunnels, bridges, pedestrian bridges, subways, washes, spreading grounds and active railways, when public health, safety or welfare is served by the prohibition (41.18(c)(2)); 3) designated facilities opened after January 1, 2018 that provide shelter, safe sleeping or safe parking to homeless persons or that serve as homeless services navigation centers (41.18(c)(3)); 4) any locations in public rights-of-way for which there is documentation of a “particular and ongoing threat to public health or safety” (41.18(c)(4)). No enforcement action shall be taken unless the individuals have been offered shelter and have refused the offer.

[____ NC/CC] further requests that 1) Councilmembers bring resolutions in Council pursuant to LAMC Sec. 41.18(c)(1)-(4) and 41.18(d) as soon as any sites meeting the requirements of such sub-sections are identified to them by their respective WRAC Member-Councils; and 2) the distance of the radius prohibition set forth in such resolutions shall be as requested by the relevant WRAC Member-Councils, consistent with the distance set forth in such sub-sections

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Support for CF 21-0929 (Buscaino/Koretz)

Formally adopted by WRAC in December 2021 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Refers to City Council file 21-0929

Regarding Council File 21-0929 (Buscaino/Koretz):  [_____ NC/CC]  supports the proposed resolution for the City Council to prohibit sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal property, in or upon any street, sidewalk, or other public rights-of-way within a radius of 500 feet from all schools listed in Attachment A to the Council File; and further, upon adoption of the resolution, for the City Council to direct the Department of Transportation to post signs giving notice of the restrictions in the radius specified.

[_____ NC/CC]  also requests that the definition of “radius” be clarified to specify a radius of 500 feet from the exterior boundary lines of the schools listed in Attachment A to the Council File.

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