Wednesday, August 19, 2020 | 4:00 PM
For WRAC member council Primary and Al-ternate Reps and a select number of their board members
During this time of pandemic, as COVID-19 continues to shift even the new norms we be-come accustomed to, we have invited Dr. Ferrer to join us for an extended WRAC meeting at 4pm on August 19th. Member Councils are encouraged to attend, along with a handful of their respective Board members, to engage with the LA County Dir. of Public Health.
Dr. Ferrer will give Westside leaders a glimpse into what she knows and what she expects, as the COVID-19 crisis evolves. Dr. Ferrer will make remarks and take some questions. We thank CD11 and CD4 for their support and partnership for this important conversation.
Sponsored By:
Mike Bonin, WRAC, Paul Koretz