Timely LADBS notification to all our NCs and CCs
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the January 2016 deadline
Passed by
Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Brentwood Community Council
South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
Westwood Neighborhood Council
The _________ Council supports all efforts to increase public access to submitted plans and requests that the Department of Building and Safety devise a protocol that would give timely access for public inspection, and provides notice to adjacent property owners, Neighborhood Councils, [and Community Councils] as soon as such plans are submitted to the City.
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Neighborhood Council Monitoring of City Services
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the October 2015 deadline
Passed by
Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Pacific Palisades Community Council
South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
Venice Neighborhood Council
WRAC recommends that land use and planning-related recommendations shall be disclosed in all City determinations in a “standing” section of City Staff Reports and City Determinations called “Neighborhood Council Recommendations.” Along with those recommendations, an explanation to be provided by the City decision maker if the NC recommendations are NOT followed.
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Mobility Plan 2035 Statement of Overriding Considerations
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the September 2015 deadline
Passed by
West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
Westside Neighborhood Council
Westwood Neighborhood Council
WRAC recommends a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035 [Case Number: ENV 2013-0911-EIR and CPC-2013-0910-GPA-SP-CA-MSC; State Clearinghouse No. 2013041012] because of its failure to resolve and mitigate critical issues per the Statement of Overriding Considerations, including but not limited to emergency response time, insufficient infrastructure, and broader significant negative impacts on public health, safety and welfare.
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Change to Coastal Exemption Review/Approval Process and Procedure
Motion withdrawn
prior to September 2015 passage deadline
Not yet passed by a member Council
WRAC requests that controls over approvals, transparency of the process and Staff training for both City and State Coastal Exemptions be strongly improved and that copies of the Coastal Exemptions be made immediately available to, or be immediately provided to applicable neighborhood and community councils.
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WRAC Opposition to AB 57 Limiting Local Regulation of Cell Towers
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the September 2015 deadline
Not yet passed by a member Council
WRAC requests that Councilman Bonin and Koretz co-sponsor a resolution in City Council opposing AB 57, which passed in the Assembly recently and is now in two State Senate Committees. See attached for information about the bill as well as a resolution opposing the bill which is being proposed by four San Francisco City Supervisors.
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Oppose AB 744 Limiting Local Government Authority Over Parking for SB 1818 Density Bonus Projects
Motion withdrawn
prior to September 2015 passage deadline
Passed by
Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Brentwood Community Council
Mar Vista Community Council
Westside Neighborhood Council
WRAC recommends the City of Los Angeles oppose AB 744 and requests Councilmembers Mike Bonin and Paul Koretz introduce a resolution opposing AB 744.
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Community Council Inclusion in Wesson Proposal to Give NCs Special Treatment at City Hearings
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the August 2015 deadline
Not yet passed by a member Council
CM Wesson is proposing, based on apparent recommendations from DONE, that NCs and NC Alliances (of whatever nature and status, including those without bylaws or governing rules or regular meetings or
even NC membership requirements) be given preferential treatment (5 additional minutes for argument, before public comment) at City Council and other City agency meetings/hearings. WRAC supports Community Councils being afforded this same status.
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Support for Council File 14-0600-S253: amending and repealing business taxes
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the June 2015 deadline
Passed by
West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
Refers to City Council file 14-0600-S253
CA Report R14-0450 relative to a draft ordinance amending and repealing several sections of the municipal code relating to business taxes.
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Support For Koretz’s Powergrid Update Motion
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the June 2015 deadline
Passed by
Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
Mar Vista Community Council
Pacific Palisades Community Council
Palms Neighborhood Council
Westside Neighborhood Council
Westwood Neighborhood Council
Refers to City Council file 14-1960
BE IT RESOLVED, that the ________ NC wholeheartedly and emphatically supports Councilman Paul Koretz’s Motion to Maintain Historical Reliability of the Power System/Power Grid Vulnerabilities/Department of Water and Power which calls on the LADWP to report to the Energy and Environment Committee within 60 days regarding the vulnerability of our power grid, the costs and feasibility of upgrading and protecting the grid, and other related items.
The ______ NC urges all other Neighborhood and Community Councils and other stakeholder groups to join in and support this important effort.
This _______ NC position is to be filed as a Community Impact Statement in Council File Number 14-1960.
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Support for Council File 15-0020: Collecting Fees Related to Condition Compliance
Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the June 2015 deadline
Passed by
West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
Refers to City Council file 15-0020
WRAC supports Council File 15-0020 asking that the Planning Department to report back in 45 days on the best practices of other jurisdictions, including the County of Los Angeles, to ensure proper resource allocation for condition inspections and enforcement AND further asks that the Council instruct the Planning Department, in consultation with the City Attorney, and any other appropriate City department, bureau, or agency, to work cooperatively to propose a method by which inspection fees related to condition compliance are required and collected by the City prior to the release of any final approval of a projects.
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