
Data Gathering from Ride-Sharing Companies

Formally adopted by WRAC in November 2020 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


The ______ Neighborhood/Community Council requests that the State of California mandate that localities be empowered to assess the impact on traffic and congestion of ride sharing services by mandating comprehensive data from ride sharing companies available for study. Data should include time spent on the road to and from their homes and between rides for all ridesharing drivers as compared to traffic that would be generated by private vehicles making each trip. The results of this survey should guide both local and state policy in regards to ridesharing and better understand our transportation system. Using such data, the City of Los Angeles should then establish benchmark dates prior to and after implementation of each ridesharing platform and study in a scientific manner using all data available to determine if ride sharing vehicles add to or lessen congestion within the City of Los Angeles.

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Support CF 20-1213 (Evacuation Routes)

Motion withdrawn prior to October 2020 passage deadline

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)


Refers to City Council file 20-1213

Motion to support Council File 20-1213 (Bonin and Koretz). Whereas some of the hillside communities of the Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, Bel Air and the Hollywood Hills are located in very high fire hazard severity zones and because many of the streets in these hillside communities are substandard and because many of the most recent fires have started in these hillside communities, forcing evacuations in the early morning and late night hours, and whereas some coastal areas of CD 11 are tsunami zones and/or subject to sea level rise, therefore the Department of City Planning, with assistance from the Emergency Management Department, Los Angeles Department of Transportation, and the Los Angeles Fire Department, is directed to report back on the capacity, safety, and viability of existing and potential evacuation routes in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones and tsunami zones and those areas subject to sea level rise and to identify the policies and development standards, including land use and building restrictions, necessary to support these evacuation routes.

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SB 50 – Opposition to Senate Bill

Formally adopted by WRAC in May 2019 | Download the WRAC position letter

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Brentwood Community Council (modified version)
  • Del Rey Neighborhood Council (modified version)
  • Mar Vista Community Council (modified version)
  • Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (modified version)
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


Whereas California neighborhoods depend upon high quality, citizen driven, local community planning for justice and equity and balanced development, and

Whereas State Senate Bill 50 [Scott Wiener] weaponizes state government code to eviscerate local planning statewide and thereby increases financialization of land use; intensifies inequality; encourages predatory speculative activity; and masks massive wealth transfer by shifting property ownership opportunities away from small owners to corporate investors, and

Whereas the City Charter-mandated Neighborhood Council system of Los Angeles, and the Community Councils of the City of Los Angeles, represent grass roots democracy, and

Whereas California State Senate Bill 50 [Scott Wiener] establishes “one size fits all” development criteria–based on changeable municipal structures such as bus stops and employment locations–to be determined, without democratic due process or public scrutiny, by the Department of Housing and Community Development and the Office of Planning and Research, and

Whereas the lack of analysis of infrastructure and other costs associated with this pen stroke planning creates grave uncertainty that any local agency would be able to “levy enough service charges, fees or assessments sufficient to pay for the program or level of service mandated by this act within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code”, and given the aforementioned lack of fiscal analysis, Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution “No reimbursement” clause is wrongfully applied to this legislation,

Whereas reform is needed for the present state legislative system which allows sweeping, ideological blunt instrument legislation such as SB 50 to be introduced without extensive vetting in local public hearings prior to consideration in the State Legislature, and

Whereas this wholesale removal of all land use authority to the State clearly abolishes all meaningful local input into land use planning and therefore constitutes an attack upon local democracy, upon neighborhoods, and upon the Neighborhood Councils and Community Councils in the City of Los Angeles,

Therefore,  ____________ Neighborhood/Community Council opposes SB 50 and urges our City Councilmembers to introduce a resolution in Council forthwith, opposing SB50.


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Extend Community Plan timeline

Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the November 2018 deadline

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council


The _____ Council finds the Community Plans Update Outreach Plan timeline of 3 years to be ambitious (consider that the West Adams-Baldwin Hills-Leimert and Granada Hills Plans required 7 years, and the Expo Station Neighborhood Transit Plan required 4.5 years), potentially limiting adequate public input and feedback.

Therefore, we request that the Planning Department be funded to extend the timeline if and as needed to accommodate achievement-anchored benchmarks.

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Request for planning data prior to start of Community Plan update

Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the November 2018 deadline

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Mar Vista Community Council
  • Westwood Community Council


The _____ Council requests the Planning Department provide all information (below), prior to commencing any work on the Community Plan Update process.

These data are prerequisite for meaningful asset-based grassroots planning input to any Community Plan, whether it is for the Westside’s first cycle (Palms-Mar Vista-Del Rey, Westchester-Playa del Rey, West Los Angeles Venice) or the second cycle (Westwood, Bel Air-Beverly Crest, Brentwood-Pacific Palisades):

  1. What is the current aggregate population in the Community Plan area?
  2. What is the projected population in the build-out year?
    a. How is it calculated? Who calculates it? Is the U.S. Census used?
  3. What is the population capacity in the current zoning, including R zones and C zones with density bonuses (Transit Oriented Communities, Expo Station Transit Neighborhood Plan) and Accessory Dwelling Units?
  4. What is the population capacity in the proposed zoning, including R zones and C zones with density bonuses (TOC, Expo Station TNP) and ADUs?
  5. Capacity of jobs or count of jobs currently.
  6. Change in jobs as a result of proposed zoning, either by increase in C or M zones or reduction in jobs if C or M zones are decreased.

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NC Systems Reform

Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the November 2018 deadline

Passed by

  • Brentwood Community Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council (modified version)


Refers to City Council file 18-0467

The _________ Council recommends that the Neighborhood Council reforms proposed by Councilmember Ryu (CF-18-0467) include the following:

  1. That the City Administrative Code be amended to revise the current definition of Neighborhood Council stakeholders (including removing the “community impact stakeholders”) as follows:
    “Stakeholders shall be defined as those who live, work, or own real property within the Neighborhood Council boundaries. With the approval of the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment, Neighborhood Councils may—and are encouraged to—expand this definition within their bylaws to include other defined groups of stakeholders.”
  2. That in the interest of ensuring that local constituencies represented by Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils are heard, City Administrative Code (Section 22.819) be amended to require that seating be reserved at City departmental hearings, commission meetings, and Council meetings for members of Neighborhood and Community Councils.
  3. That provision be made for qualified Community Councils to be officially recognized as independent City community advisory bodies, and afforded the same courtesies, notice, and access provided to Neighborhood Councils.

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Opposition to the automatic renewal of the City’s bus shelter advertising 20-year contract with Decaux

Motion withdrawn prior to October 2018 passage deadline

Passed by

  • Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council
  • Brentwood Community Council
  • Pacific Palisades Community Council (modified version)
  • Palms Neighborhood Council
  • South Robertson Neighborhoods Council
  • Venice Neighborhood Council
  • Westwood Community Council
  • Westwood Neighborhood Council


The ______________ Council strongly opposes the automatic renewal of the City’s Bus Shelter/Advertising 20-year contract with AC Decaux. The Council further requests the City to withdraw the renegotiation of the sidewalk furniture contract with Decaux from the City Attorney’s office, and to allow a process of community input which can culminate in an open RFP, awarded based on parameters laid out by community impact and ridership needs. The City should solicit comments from the community about problems/issues, and then issue an open RFP that addresses these issues/problems to numerous advertising firms.

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Support for the CEQA Appeals Code Amendment of June 6, 2018

Motion failed to be adopted by a majority of Councils before the September 2018 deadline

Passed by

  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council


The ______________ Council supports CEQA Appeals Code Amendment of June 6, 2018 (CPC-2018- 2657-CA ENV-2018-2658-CE) and recommends limiting the fee for residents to $250.

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Regulate Personal Electric Scooters

Motion withdrawn prior to September 2018 passage deadline

Passed by

  • West LA-Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
  • Westside Neighborhood Council (modified version)


The ______________ Council requests that the city regulate personal electric scooter issues with regard to public safety and accessibility.

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Opposition to Deferred Retirement Option Plan of the LA Police and Firefighters

Motion withdrawn prior to September 2018 passage deadline

Passed by

  • Westside Neighborhood Council


The ___________ Council supports the community impact statement filed by the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council calling for the City Council to take immediate action to comprehensively address and remedy the documented waste, fraud, and abuse in Los Angeles’s Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP).

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